Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Extras for Planning (Props, Cast, Location, etc...)

Media List: Extras for Planning

Props List:

-          Clothing.

-          Cam Recorder.

-          Pretend Camera.

-          Bags/ rucksacks.

-          Tripod.

Cast List

-          Jordan Hamilton: Actor, Director.

-          Chris Seaman: Actor, Sound Track Executive.

-          Charlie Garvey: Actor, Producer/ Co. Director.

-          Jessica Perkins: Camera Girl, Executive Producer.

Location(s) List

-          Lillibrooke Manor: Barn, Animal-Engine Room (possibly house as well).

-          Woodlands Park: Road.

Pictures of Location(s)


Lillibrooke Manor: Barn and Animal-Engine Room. This will most likely be our main source/ location of filming. With this as an alternative place to film (and which will most likely be used due to company finance issues with the house) it’ll most likely give off the same creepy atmospheric feel to the audience.


Lillibrooke Manor: The house. The house is notorious for its outstanding yet creepy atmosphere. This manor; the main section of the land. The abundant house still lives within its Victorian-based era due to its olden day ware around the inside of the house.


Media Studies – Treatments

Plot of the Story (Structure and Narrative)

The main storyline of our movie is that three to four teenagers plan out a trip with each other, somewhere to stay away in a trip – however they take a ‘turn for the worst’ and stumble across an old abandoned building filled with traps and other nasty and malicious things shown throughout the rooms the troop peruse around in. One-by-one, each person of the gang gets lost within the house and is killed off in a unique but deadly way (such as the Saw movies, but not forced into their demises) – Though with this being said it’ll end on a cliff hanger after two minutes (the maximum time it can go on for). This means we’ll end this on a cliff hanger as soon as they enter the building.

The Film Itself

Our aim is to produce a two minute opening of a horror film. Our film will appeal to the family; but mainly teenagers and will be completed by December the 4th ‘14. We want our film to be insightful and enjoyable to watch for the audience. We want to create an in tensing film too, so the audience is on the front of their seats wanting more incredible events to happen during the movie. We strive for these things to happen throughout the movie by using iconic sound effects to terrify our audience. We also plan on using a lot of non-diegetic sounds; sounds that are man-made to give of a real effect too. We will also be using regular diegetic music too for the intro of the movie along with the rolling opening titles too. We also plan on using a lot of Mise-en-Scene in the starting scenes too, once everyone collects everyone/ knocks for the others too – trying to give off the effect that they’ve just woken up, or ready to go. We also plan on using effective camera shots and angles to fill the audience in on how the others are currently feeling about this trip. We also will use Final Cut Pro/ Sony Vegas Pro to edit our movie opening. Like said before, we will edit in our diegetic music to fill in the backdrop (preferably once the people are riding to their ‘destination’). We will try and edit the non-diegetic music to become louder on camera (by using audacity or another sound-editing programmer). We want our audience to become an active audience and get them engaged whilst make them enjoy the movie too. Our film will show a message and a moral from what you learnt from the movie; you can explore, but too much can lead to bad things or things you might not to want have to uncover; i.e. death.

Summary: S/N and Film Depth/ Mechanics (How it’ll Work)

- Two minute opening of a horror movie.
- Deadline: Dec. 4th, ’14.
- Active audience: insightful and enjoyable movie for them – get the engaged and question the film itself. We have a tense structure and narrative too.
- Target market/ audience: for adults/ family; though mainly for teenagers.
- Sounds: non-diegetic gives off more realism to the film and places them in ‘pure terror’.
- Sounds: diegetic for music being played with opening movie titles.
- Mise-en-Scene: comes with acting; want to show the audience how people feel through other objects around them.
- Editing: done with Final Cut Pro./ Sony Vegas Pro. – will help with quality and editing (rough cut edit and final edit).

23rd Nov. '14 | Horror Movie Soundtrack Analysis